Flights to footing – grounding the ICGS follow-up

From 5-7 April, the Inter-Communal Governance Structures met in Akobo town. With pressure in some parts of the community to retaliate against ongoing sporadic attacks from the GPAA, this ICGS meeting needed practical follow-up measures. Peace Canal's Area Coordination team speak to the Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund (POF) on the key points from the meeting.
Akobo Inter-Communal Governance Structures – Update Interview (12m30s)

From 5-7 April, the Inter-Communal Governance Structures met in Akobo town. With pressure in some parts of the community to retaliate against ongoing sporadic attacks from the GPAA, this ICGS meeting needed practical follow-up measures. Peace Canal’s Area Coordination team speak to the Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund (POF) on the key points from the meeting.

Click here to read the full Communique from the meeting. 

The ICGS is supported by Area Based Partners in Jonglei and GPAA, primarily through the modalities of the RSRTF and the Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund.

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