
Peace Canal builds on the work of the Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund, a UK-funded program that began implementation in South Sudan in December 2019. It initially operated in four conflict systems across the country. The program aims at targeted communities becoming more harmonious and resilient to conflict, as well as strengthening and supporting more inclusivity of political, socio-economic, and cultural institutions that are key for handling conflict and establishing the conditions for sustained peace.

International donors in South Sudan play a key role supporting the ongoing peace efforts. Part of this endeavour is to support local actors to sustain effective initiatives. The Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund established an effective infrastructure of local personnel, working in their regions to support the program outcomes.

In order to consolidate into a sustainable local structure, which can continue to work in partnership with the United Kingdom Government and other donors, as well as its wide network of local actors, the team took the decision to establish a locally-registered NGO.